123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470 |
- import {closeSecondaryScreen, openSecondaryScreen, viceBroadcast} from '../../utils/index/callAmpe'
- import {receiptPrinting} from '../../utils/index/receiptPrinting'
- import {encryptAndSign} from '../../utils/index/getSM4'
- import {desensitization, getWaterDrop} from '../../utils/index/index'
- import {userInfoQuery,} from '../../utils/api/api'
- const app = getApp()
- Page({
- data: {
- toTitleRef: null,
- result: '',
- timer: 5,
- brushingCardUserIInfo: {
- name: '',
- sex: '',
- nation: '',
- birthDate: '',
- address: '',
- idNum: '',
- photoBase64: '',
- },
- showFaceScan: false,
- signOffUserInfo: {},
- printVisitorList: false,
- clickRetryNum: 0,
- isShowRetry: false,
- resultText: '',
- },
- onLoad(e) {
- my.hideBackHome();
- console.log(`resultPage进入页面===>${e.result}`);
- this.setData({
- result: e.result || '结果页超时',
- resultText: e.resultText || '请重试',
- clickRetryNum: app.data.clickRetryNum,
- isShowRetry: e.isShowRetry || false,
- })
- let resultTag = e.result || '';
- if (resultTag == '刷脸登记') {
- this.setData({
- showFaceScan: true,
- timer: app.globalData.snDisposition.faceTimeout
- })
- this.clickFaceScan()
- return;
- } else if (resultTag == '1:1比对') {
- console.log(e.type)
- let verifyType = 1;
- switch (e.type) {
- case '身份证1:1':
- verifyType = 3;
- break;
- case '手输1:1':
- verifyType = 15;
- break;
- case '二维码1:1':
- verifyType = 5;
- break;
- }
- this.setData({
- showFaceScan: true,
- timer: app.globalData.snDisposition.oneToOneTimeout
- })
- this.getFaceInfoPersonCard({
- brushingCardUserIInfo: app.data.brushingCardUserIInfo,
- verifyType
- })
- return;
- } else if (resultTag == '联网查询') {
- console.log('联网查询');
- this.setData({
- timer: app.globalData.snDisposition.connectSearchTimeout
- })
- this.userInfoQuery()
- return;
- } else if (resultTag == '签离成功') {
- this.setData({
- signOffUserInfo: app.data.signOffMsg
- })
- return;
- } else if (resultTag == '首页刷证') {
- this.setData({
- timer: 15
- })
- this.showMsg(app.data.brushingCardUserIInfo)
- let _this = this;
- setTimeout(function () {
- if (app.globalData.snDisposition.usePersonCard) {
- console.log('1:1比对-首页刷证');
- _this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/resultPage/index?result=1:1比对&type=身份证1:1')
- } else {
- _this.getUserInfo({
- brushingCardUserIInfo: {
- ...app.data.brushingCardUserIInfo,
- certPhotoBase64Str: app.data.brushingCardUserIInfo.photoBase64
- },
- verifyType: 4
- })
- }
- }, 1000)
- return;
- } else if (resultTag == '登记成功') {
- switch (app.globalData.riskResult) {
- case 1:
- this.setData({
- printVisitorList: app.globalData.snDisposition.printVisitorList
- })
- if (app.globalData.snDisposition.printVisitorList) {
- this.printFun(app.data.visitoMsgData)
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- this.setData({
- result: '逃犯',
- })
- break;
- case 3:
- this.setData({
- result: '有前科',
- })
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- this.setData({
- timer: e.timer ? parseInt(e.timer) : 5,
- })
- },
- clickAudio() {
- getWaterDrop()
- },
- clickFaceScan() {
- let that = this;
- let params1 = {
- "action": "getFaceInfo",
- "event": "open",
- "taskId": "2"
- }
- my.showLoading({
- mask:false
- });
- try {
- my.call("ampeHHCommunication", params1, res => {
- console.log(res.data);
- my.hideLoading()
- that.data.showFaceScan = false
- if (res.success && res.data.idNum) {
- app.data.userInfo = {
- xm: res.data.name,
- sfzh: res.data.idNum,
- phone: res.data.mobile,
- avatar: res.data.photoBase64,
- verifyType: 2,
- certContent: res.data
- }
- viceBroadcast(app.globalData.snDisposition.successVoice)
- console.log(JSON.stringify(app.globalData.snDisposition));
- let reminderAuth = app.globalData.snDisposition.reminderAuth;
- if (reminderAuth) {
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/tipsPage/index')
- } else {
- let processingPageSwitch = app.globalData.snDisposition.processingPageSwitch;
- if (app.data.isSecondaryScreenState && processingPageSwitch) {
- console.log('打开副屏', app.data.isSecondaryScreenState);
- closeSecondaryScreen()
- app.data.cycleIntervalSwitch = false
- openSecondaryScreen(app.globalData.snDisposition.processingPageImage || '')
- }
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/interviewee/index')
- }
- } else {
- if (!res.data || !res.data.originFaceInfo) {
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/resultPage/index?result=结果页超时&&timer=' + app.globalData.snDisposition.resultPageTimeout)
- return
- }
- let originFaceInfo = JSON.parse(res.data.originFaceInfo)
- console.log(originFaceInfo.code);
- if (originFaceInfo.code == '1003' || originFaceInfo.code == '1004') {
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/home/index')
- } else {
- if (app.globalData.snDisposition.faceFailHandInput && app.globalData.snDisposition.noIdcardRegister) {
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/inputIDCard/index')
- } else {
- viceBroadcast(app.globalData.snDisposition.failVoice)
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/resultPage/index?result=结果页超时&&timer=' + app.globalData.snDisposition.resultPageTimeout)
- }
- }
- }
- });
- } catch (error) {
- my.hideLoading()
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/home/index')
- that.setData({
- showFaceScan: false
- })
- }
- },
- saveRef(ref) {
- this.toTitleRef = ref
- },
- backToSpecifiedPage(url = '/pages/home/index') {
- this.toTitleRef && this.toTitleRef.clearIntervalAll()
- my.reLaunch({
- url: url,
- })
- },
- async userInfoQuery() {
- const that = this;
- viceBroadcast(app.globalData.snDisposition.connectSearchVoice)
- try {
- that.handleValue(app.data.userInfo.xm)
- } catch (error) {
- console.log(error);
- }
- },
- handleValue(val) {
- let that = this;
- if (val) {
- app.data.brushingCardUserIInfo = {
- name: app.data.userInfo.xm,
- idNum: app.data.userInfo.sfzh,
- photoBase64: app.data.userInfo.avatar,
- }
- console.log('1:1比对-联网查询', val);
- that.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/resultPage/index?result=1:1比对&type=手输1:1')
- } else {
- setTimeout(function () {
- let resultText = app.data.clickRetryNum == 0 ? '查询超时,可点击重试' : '查询超时~'
- that.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/resultPage/index?result=结果页超时&timer=' + app.globalData.snDisposition.resultPageTimeout + '&resultText=' + resultText + '&isShowRetry=' + true)
- }, 1000)
- }
- },
- retryFun() {
- this.getRetryUserInfo()
- app.data.clickRetryNum = app.data.clickRetryNum + 1
- app.data.isNetworkQueryError = null
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/resultPage/index?result=联网查询&timer=' + app.globalData.snDisposition.connectSearchTimeout)
- },
- async getRetryUserInfo() {
- try {
- let appKey = app.globalData.appKey
- let appSecret = app.globalData.appSecret
- let privateKey = app.globalData.privateKey
- let content = {
- sfzh: app.data.inputIdCard
- }
- content = JSON.stringify(content)
- let sm4 = encryptAndSign(appKey, appSecret, privateKey, content, "encrypted")
- let data = {
- "appId": app.globalData.appId,
- "bizContent": sm4.encrypted,
- "reqTimestamp": sm4.timestamp,
- "sign": sm4.sign
- }
- let res = await userInfoQuery(data)
- app.data.isNetworkQueryError = true
- let decryptedData = encryptAndSign(appKey, appSecret, privateKey, res.data.bizContent, "decrypt")
- if (!decryptedData.decrypted) {
- return
- }
- let decrypted = JSON.parse(decryptedData.decrypted)
- app.data.userInfo = decrypted
- app.data.userInfo.avatar = decrypted.xp
- app.data.userInfo.idCardPhoto = decrypted.xp
- } catch (error) {
- app.data.isNetworkQueryError = false
- }
- },
- showMsg(data) {
- let brushingCardUserIInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
- brushingCardUserIInfo.sex = brushingCardUserIInfo.sex[0]
- const fruits = brushingCardUserIInfo.birthDate.split(".");
- brushingCardUserIInfo.year = fruits[0]
- brushingCardUserIInfo.month = fruits[1]
- brushingCardUserIInfo.day = fruits[2]
- app.data.brushingCardUserIInfo = brushingCardUserIInfo
- this.setData({
- brushingCardUserIInfo
- })
- },
- getFaceInfoPersonCard({
- brushingCardUserIInfo,
- verifyType
- }) {
- let params1 = {
- "action": "getFaceInfoPersonCard",
- "event": "open",
- "taskId": "7",
- "params": {
- "certName": brushingCardUserIInfo.name,
- "certNo": brushingCardUserIInfo.idNum,
- "certPhotoBase64Str": brushingCardUserIInfo.photoBase64
- }
- }
- let that = this
- console.log(params1.params);
- try {
- my.call('ampeHHCommunication', params1, res => {
- that.setData({
- showFaceScan: false
- })
- if (res.success) {
- that.getUserInfo({
- brushingCardUserIInfo: {
- ...res.data,
- certPhotoBase64Str: brushingCardUserIInfo.photoBase64
- },
- verifyType
- })
- } else {
- if (!res.data || !res.data.originFaceInfo) {
- that.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/resultPage/index?result=结果页超时&&timer=' + app.globalData.snDisposition.resultPageTimeout)
- return
- }
- let originFaceInfo = JSON.parse(res.data.originFaceInfo)
- console.log(originFaceInfo);
- if (originFaceInfo.code == '1001' || originFaceInfo.code == '2006') {
- that.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/resultPage/index?result=结果页超时&&timer=' + app.globalData.snDisposition.resultPageTimeout)
- } else {
- that.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/home/index')
- my.showToast({
- content: (originFaceInfo && originFaceInfo.subMessage) ? originFaceInfo.subMessage : '请重试',
- duration: 2000
- });
- }
- }
- });
- } catch (error) {
- that.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/home/index')
- that.setData({
- showFaceScan: false
- })
- }
- },
- getUserInfo({brushingCardUserIInfo, verifyType}) {
- console.log('用户信息赋值', brushingCardUserIInfo, verifyType)
- app.data.userInfo.avatar = brushingCardUserIInfo.photoBase64 || '';
- app.data.userInfo.idCardPhoto = brushingCardUserIInfo.certPhotoBase64Str || '';
- app.data.userInfo.xm = brushingCardUserIInfo.name;
- app.data.userInfo.sfzh = brushingCardUserIInfo.idNum;
- app.data.userInfo.verifyType = verifyType;
- app.data.userInfo.certContent = brushingCardUserIInfo;
- let reminderAuth = app.globalData.snDisposition.reminderAuth;
- if (reminderAuth) {
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/tipsPage/index')
- } else {
- let processingPageSwitch = app.globalData.snDisposition.processingPageSwitch;
- if (app.data.isSecondaryScreenState && processingPageSwitch) {
- console.log('打开副屏', app.data.isSecondaryScreenState);
- closeSecondaryScreen()
- app.data.cycleIntervalSwitch = false
- openSecondaryScreen(app.globalData.snDisposition.processingPageImage || '')
- }
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/interviewee/index')
- }
- },
- printFun(form) {
- if (form.name) {
- form.name = desensitization(form.name, 1, 2)
- }
- if (form.phone) {
- form.phone = desensitization(form.phone, 3, 7)
- }
- let data = receiptPrinting(form)
- if (app.data.visitoMsgData.commonQrCode) {
- data.printList.push({
- "text": " " + app.globalData.snDisposition.generalQrcodeTitle,
- "textSize": 25,
- "bold": false,
- "algin": "center"
- }, {
- "width": 376,
- "height": 376,
- "qrCodeText": app.data.visitoMsgData.commonQrCode
- })
- }
- if (app.globalData.snDisposition.ethQrcode && app.data.visitoMsgData.ladderQrCode) {
- data.printList.push({
- "text": " " + app.globalData.snDisposition.ethQrcodeTitle,
- "textSize": 25,
- "bold": false,
- "algin": "center"
- }, {
- "width": 376,
- "height": 376,
- "qrCodeText": app.data.visitoMsgData.ladderQrCode
- })
- }
- let params = {
- "action": "receiptPrinting",
- "event": "open",
- "taskId": "10",
- "params": data
- }
- console.log(params);
- try {
- my.call('ampeHHCommunication', params, res => {
- console.log(res);
- if (!res.success) {
- my.showToast({
- content: res.message ? res.message : '打印失败,请重试',
- duration: 2000
- });
- }
- })
- } catch (error) {
- my.showToast({
- content: res.message ? res.message : '打印失败,请重试',
- duration: 2000
- });
- }
- },
- finish(e) {
- let {
- result
- } = this.data
- if (result == '扫码签离' || result == '刷身份证' || result == '联网查询' || result == '1:1比对') {
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/resultPage/index?result=结果页超时&&timer=' + app.globalData.snDisposition.resultPageTimeout);
- return;
- }
- if (result == '签离成功' || result == '签离失败' || result == '结果页超时' || result == '逃犯' || result == '有前科' || result == '登记成功') {
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/home/index');
- return;
- }
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/home/index');
- },
- sure() {
- this.backToSpecifiedPage('/pages/home/index')
- },
- });