import { getDate, getWaterDrop, formatTime } from '../../../utils/index/index' import { publicInterface, } from '../../../utils/api/api' const app = getApp() Page({ data: { formPath: null, //从哪个页面来 searchList: [{ name: '姓名', val: 'name', placeholder: '请输入姓名', }, { name: '身份证', val: 'idNumber', placeholder: '请输入身份证', }, { name: '手机号', val: 'phone', placeholder: '请输入手机号', }, { name: '来访单位', val: 'company', placeholder: '请输入来访单位', }, { name: '受访人', val: 'visiteeXm', placeholder: '请输入受访人', }, { name: '受访部门', val: 'visiteeBm', placeholder: '请输入受访部门', }, ], isShowSearch: false, // 搜索项 dateRangePickerVisible: false, searchForm: { name: '', phone: '', idNumber: '', defaultDateRange: null, startTime: '', endTime: '', sn: '', company: '', visiteeXm: '', visiteeBm: '', carno: '', signOutStartTime: '', signOutEndTime: '', reason: '', }, notDesensitizedColumn: [], signOutList: [{ id: true, name: '已签离' }, { id: false, name: '未签离' }, ], tableList: [], // 表格展示数据 pagination: { // 分页 current: 1, // 当前页码 pageSize: 8, // 每页条数 pageNum: 0, //总页数 total: 0, // 总数 }, causeMatterList: [], provinceArr: ["粤", "京", "津", "渝", "沪", "冀", "晋", "辽", "吉", "黑", "苏", "浙", "皖", "闽", "赣", "鲁", "豫", "鄂", "湘", "琼", "川", "贵", "云", "陕", "甘", "青", "蒙", "桂", "宁", "新", "藏", "使", "领", "警", "学", "港", "澳"], strArr: ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"], hiddenPro: true, // 隐藏省份键盘 hiddenStr: true, // 隐藏数字字母键盘 carnum: '', //车牌号码 // 键盘结束 downBtn: '关闭', isPortraitScreen: false,// 是否为竖屏:true竖屏 false横屏 screenIntervalId: null, //定时器 }, onLoad(e) { my.hideBackHome(); const _this = this this.initScreenType().then(isPortraitScreenRes => { _this.setData({ isPortraitScreen: isPortraitScreenRes }) }) let visitReasonList = (app.globalData.snDisposition.visitReason || '业务拜访/会议邀请/施工单位/其他事项').split('/'); this.setData({ causeMatterList: visitReasonList, formPath: e.formPath || null, notDesensitizedColumn: app.globalData.snDisposition.notDesensitizedColumn }) = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; this.getTable() }, initScreenType() { let that = this return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (app.globalData.isPortraitScreen) { if (app.globalData.isPortraitScreen != null) { resolve(app.globalData.isPortraitScreen) } } else { = setInterval(function () { if (app.globalData.isPortraitScreen != null) { resolve(app.globalData.isPortraitScreen) clearInterval(; } }, 1000); } }) }, async getTable(newCurrent = 1) { let { searchForm, pagination: { pageSize }, carnum } =; = let params = { data: { ...searchForm, carno: carnum }, pageNum: newCurrent, pageSize, } my.showLoading() try { let res = await publicInterface({ prop: 'fkjRecordUrl', defaultProp: '/visitorReportPageList', data: params, method: 'post', errorTip: '访客记录api请求失败' }) const resData = || {} this.setData({ 'pagination.current': newCurrent, 'pagination.pageNum': resData.pages, '':, tableList: resData.list, }) } catch (error) { my.hideLoading(); console.log(error); my.showToast({ content: error.msg || '访客记录api请求失败', duration: 2000 }); } finally { my.hideLoading() } }, // 是否显示搜索项 getIsShow() { let { isShowSearch } = this.setData({ isShowSearch: !isShowSearch, }) }, clickAudio() { getWaterDrop() }, //签离 async signOff(e) { let item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item let data = { sn:, userVisitorListDetailId: item.userVisitorListDetailId, } try { let res = await publicInterface({ prop: 'fkjSignOutUrl', defaultProp: '/visitorSignOut', data: data, method: 'post', errorTip: '手动签离api请求失败' }) my.showToast({ content: '签离成功', duration: 2000 }); let { pagination: { current }, } = this.getTable(current) } catch (error) { console.log(error); my.showToast({ content: error.msg || '手动签离api请求失败', duration: 2000 }); } }, getVal(e) { let key = e.currentTarget.dataset.key let searchFormKey = `searchForm[${key}]` let causeMatterList = let signOutList = switch (key) { case 'reason': this.setData({ 'searchForm.reason': causeMatterList[e.detail.value], }) break; case 'isSignOut': this.setData({ 'searchForm.isSignOut': signOutList[e.detail.value].id, 'searchForm.isSignOutName': signOutList[e.detail.value].name, }) break; default: this.setData({ [searchFormKey]: e.detail.value }) break; } }, // 获取日期 datePicker(e) { my.datePicker({ format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', //返回的日期格式 currentDate: getDate(), //初始选择的日期时间,默认当前时间 startDate: '2012-01-01 11:11:11', //最小日期时间 endDate: getDate(), //最大日期时间 success: res => { let key = e.currentTarget.dataset.key this.setData({ [`searchForm.${key}`]: }); }, }); }, // 查询 inquireFun() { my.showLoading() try { this.setData({ 'pagination.current': 1, }) this.getTable() } catch (error) { console.log(error); } finally { my.hideLoading() } }, //清空 clearFun() { let searchForm = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; console.log(searchForm) this.setData({ searchForm, carnum: '', hiddenPro: true, // 隐藏省份键盘 hiddenStr: true, // 隐藏数字字母键盘 downBtn: '关闭', }) this.getTable() }, // 上一页 previousFun() { let { pagination: { current }, } = if (current <= 1) { return } let newCurrent = current - 1; this.getTable(newCurrent) }, // 下一页 nextFun() { let { pagination: { pageNum, current }, } = if (current >= pageNum) { return } let newCurrent = current + 1; this.getTable(newCurrent) }, handleTriggerControlledDateRangePicker(visible, e) { console.log('handleTriggerControlledDateRangePicker', visible, e); this.setData({ dateRangePickerVisible: visible, }); }, handleRangeOk(date, format, e) { console.log('onRangeOk', date, format, e); this.setData({ 'searchForm.startTime': formatTime(date[0], 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS'), 'searchForm.endTime': formatTime(date[1], 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS'), 'searchForm.defaultDateRange': date, }) }, // 关闭 closeFun() { my.reLaunch({ url: ? '/pages/home/index' : '/pages/settings/index/index', }) }, // 键盘函数开始 proTap(e) { //点击省份 let that = this; let province = e.currentTarget.dataset.province; let carnum =; if (carnum.length < 1) { //避免连续点击 carnum += province; } this.setData({ carnum: carnum, hiddenPro: true, hiddenStr: false, }) }, strTap(e) { //点击字母数字 let that = this; this.setData({ waiting: true }) let province = e.currentTarget.dataset.str; let carnum =; // console.log(carnum.length) if (carnum.length <= 8) { //避免连续点击 carnum += province; console.log(carnum); } this.setData({ notNum: false, carnum: carnum, }) this.setData({ notNum: false, carnum: carnum, }) setTimeout(() => { that.setData({ waiting: false }) }, 100); if (carnum.length > 6) { this.setData({ downBtn: '完成', strDisabled: true, }) // this.searchCardInfo() return; // 车牌长度最多为7个 } }, backSpace() { //退格 let carnum =; if (carnum.length <= 7) { this.setData({ downBtn: '关闭', strDisabled: false, }) } var arr = carnum.split(''); arr.splice(-1, 1) var str = arr.join('') if (arr.length < 2) { this.setData({ notNum: true }) } if (str == '') { this.setData({ hiddenPro: false, hiddenStr: true }) } this.setData({ carnum: str }) }, backKeyboard() { //返回省份键盘 if ( > 6) { this.setData({ downBtn: '完成', hiddenPro: true, hiddenStr: false }) } else if ( > 0) { this.setData({ hiddenPro: true, hiddenStr: false }) } else { this.setData({ hiddenPro: false, hiddenStr: true }) } }, applyNum() { this.setData({ hiddenPro: true, hiddenStr: true, }) }, // 点击其他地方关闭弹窗 hidePopup() { if (! || ! { this.applyNum(); } }, });