@@ -16,5 +16,180 @@
<sql id="Base_Column_List">
id, update_time, create_time, admin_id, status, face_log_id, control_early_warning_id
+ <update id="updateEarlyWarningConfirm">
+ UPDATE user_control_early_warning_list_log SET status = #{status} WHERE
+ id = #{id}
+ </update>
+ <select id="getListLog" resultType="com.yx.face.model.vo.UserEarlyWarningLogVO">
+ a.id,
+ b.face_time AS faceTime,
+ c.`name` AS snName,
+ b.`name` AS `name`,
+ b.cardid AS idNumber,
+ b.photo,
+ d.control_unit AS controlUnit,
+ d.control_phone AS controlPhone,
+ d.control_name AS controlName
+ user_control_early_warning_list_log AS a
+ LEFT JOIN face_log AS b ON a.face_log_id = b.id
+ LEFT JOIN face_device AS c ON b.device_sn = c.sn
+ LEFT JOIN user_control_early_warning_list AS d ON a.control_early_warning_id = d.id
+ LEFT JOIN admin e on e.id =a.admin_id
+ <where>
+ and a.`status` = 1
+ <if test="type == 2">
+ and e.province_id = #{provinceId}
+ and e.type =5
+ </if>
+ <if test="type == 3">
+ and e.province_id = #{provinceId}
+ and e.type =5
+ and e.tag_id = #{tagId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="type == 4">
+ and e.city_id = #{cityId}
+ and e.type = 5
+ and e.tag_id = #{tagId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="type == 5">
+ and e.id =#{adminId}
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ </select>
+ <select id="getListLogPageInfo" resultType="com.yx.face.model.vo.UserEarlyWarningLogVO">
+ a.id,
+ b.face_time AS faceTime,
+ c.`name` AS snName,
+ b.`name` AS `name`,
+ b.cardid AS idNumber,
+ b.photo,
+ d.control_unit AS controlUnit,
+ d.control_phone AS controlPhone,
+ d.control_name AS controlName,
+ a.status
+ user_control_early_warning_list_log AS a
+ LEFT JOIN face_log AS b ON a.face_log_id = b.id
+ LEFT JOIN face_device AS c ON b.device_sn = c.sn
+ LEFT JOIN user_control_early_warning_list AS d ON a.control_early_warning_id = d.id
+ LEFT JOIN admin e on e.id =a.admin_id
+ <where>
+ <if test="adminVo.type == 2">
+ and e.province_id = #{adminVo.provinceId}
+ and e.type =5
+ </if>
+ <if test="adminVo.type == 3">
+ and e.province_id = #{adminVo.provinceId}
+ and e.type =5
+ and e.tag_id = #{adminVo.tagId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="adminVo.type == 4">
+ and e.city_id = #{adminVo.cityId}
+ and e.type = 5
+ and e.tag_id = #{adminVo.tagId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="adminVo.type == 5">
+ and e.id =#{adminVo.adminId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.status != 0 ">
+ and a.status =#{qu.status}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.name != '' and qu.name != null ">
+ and d.early_warning_name =#{qu.name}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.idNumber != '' and qu.idNumber != null ">
+ and d.early_warning_id_number =#{qu.idNumber}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.controlUnit != null and qu.controlUnit != '' ">
+ and d.control_unit like concat('%',#{qu.controlUnit},'%')
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.controlPhone != null and qu.controlPhone != '' ">
+ and d.control_phone =#{qu.controlPhone}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.controlName != null and qu.controlName != '' ">
+ and d.control_name =#{qu.controlName}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.startTime != null and qu.startTime != '' and qu.endTime != null and qu.endTime != '' ">
+ AND <![CDATA[ b.face_time >= #{qu.startTime}]]>
+ AND <![CDATA[ b.face_time < #{qu.endTime}]]>
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.startTime == '' and qu.endTime != null and qu.endTime != '' ">
+ AND <![CDATA[ b.face_time <= #{qu.endTime}]]>
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ </select>
+ <select id="getUserEarlyWarningLogExcel" resultType="com.yx.face.model.excel.UserEarlyWarningLogExcel">
+ a.id,
+ b.face_time AS faceTime,
+ c.`name` AS snName,
+ b.`name` AS `name`,
+ b.cardid AS idNumber,
+ b.photo,
+ d.control_unit AS controlUnit,
+ d.control_phone AS controlPhone,
+ d.control_name AS controlName,
+ a.status
+ user_control_early_warning_list_log AS a
+ LEFT JOIN face_log AS b ON a.face_log_id = b.id
+ LEFT JOIN face_device AS c ON b.device_sn = c.sn
+ LEFT JOIN user_control_early_warning_list AS d ON a.control_early_warning_id = d.id
+ LEFT JOIN admin e on e.id =a.admin_id
+ <where>
+ <if test="adminVo.type == 2">
+ and e.province_id = #{adminVo.provinceId}
+ and e.type =5
+ </if>
+ <if test="adminVo.type == 3">
+ and e.province_id = #{adminVo.provinceId}
+ and e.type =5
+ and e.tag_id = #{adminVo.tagId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="adminVo.type == 4">
+ and e.city_id = #{adminVo.cityId}
+ and e.type = 5
+ and e.tag_id = #{adminVo.tagId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="adminVo.type == 5">
+ and e.id =#{adminVo.adminId}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.status != 0 ">
+ and a.status =#{qu.status}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.name != '' and qu.name != null ">
+ and d.early_warning_name =#{qu.name}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.idNumber != '' and qu.idNumber != null ">
+ and d.early_warning_id_number =#{qu.idNumber}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.controlUnit != null and qu.controlUnit != '' ">
+ and d.control_unit like concat('%',#{qu.controlUnit},'%')
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.controlPhone != null and qu.controlPhone != '' ">
+ and d.control_phone =#{qu.controlPhone}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.controlName != null and qu.controlName != '' ">
+ and d.control_name =#{qu.controlName}
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.startTime != null and qu.startTime != '' and qu.endTime != null and qu.endTime != '' ">
+ AND <![CDATA[ b.face_time >= #{qu.startTime}]]>
+ AND <![CDATA[ b.face_time < #{qu.endTime}]]>
+ </if>
+ <if test="qu.startTime == '' and qu.endTime != null and qu.endTime != '' ">
+ AND <![CDATA[ b.face_time <= #{qu.endTime}]]>
+ </if>
+ </where>
+ </select>