# FlushWritable [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/TomFrost/FlushWritable.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/TomFrost/FlushWritable) A Writable stream that flushes before emitting finish. Sponsored by [Leadnomics](http://www.leadnomics.com). ## What it is Node.js's Streams API is a fantastic tool, but has a nagging shortcoming: while the Transform stream implements a `_flush` method that is called before its final events are fired, the Writable stream does not. So if you're buffering rows to be INSERTed into a SQL table rather than slowly writing one at a time, or you're buffering bytes for a transfer to S3, there is no way of flushing those buffers to the target data store before the `finish` event is emitted. **FlushWritable is a drop-in replacement for stream.Writable** that implements a `_flush` call that behaves exactly how Transform._flush does. It's called with a callback, waits for the callback to be called, and _then_ fires `finish` (or `error` if an error was passed). No additional execution after the `finish` event, no implementing nonstandard event types, no chaining a shell Transform stream before the Writable to hijack its `_flush` call. And it's fully futureproof against the Node.js team actually adding a `_flush` method to the native stream.Writable in a later version of Node, so you don't have to worry about your code breaking on upgrade. ## How does it work? It's pretty simple. Writable is an EventEmitter. FlushWritable extends Writable and overrides EventEmitter.emit in its own prototype, listening for a request that `finish` be emitted. When that comes in, it blocks that event from emitting, and calls `_flush` if it's defined. The callback it passes to `_flush` will trigger `finish` to actually be emitted. If that callback is called with a truthy first argument, `error` is emitted instead. All other events pass right through and are emitted as expected. If a future version of node adds a `Writable.prototype._flush` method, the whole thing short-circuits and native functionality takes over. ## Installation In your project folder, type: npm install flushwritable --save ## Usage Just extend FlushWritable instead of stream.Writable in your write stream, and feel free to define a `_flush(cb)` function! ```javascript var FlushWritable = require('flushwritable'), util = require('util'); function MyWriteStream(opts) { FlushWritable.call(this, opts); this._buffer = []; } util.inherits(MyWriteStream, FlushWritable); MyWriteStream.prototype._flush = function(cb) { writeBufferSomewhere(this._buffer, cb); }; MyWriteStream.prototype._write = function(data, encoding, cb) { this._buffer.push(data); cb(); }; ``` ## License FlushWritable is distributed under the MIT license. ## Credits FlushWritable was created by Tom Frost at Leadnomics in 2014.