// components/face_verify/face_verify.js import international from '../../international/appointment_scence/index' import { foreignAuthentication } from '../../utils/api/make_appointment' import { cardIdExSet, doConfirmFaceNotifyNew, openIdSet } from '../../utils/api/api' const face = require('../../utils/faceCheck/faceCheck') const { throttle } = require('../../utils/throttle/throttle'); const getPhone = require('../../utils/getPhone/wx_getPhone'); var verify = require('../../utils/util/util') import { getWxLogin } from '../../utils/util/util' const app = getApp() Component({ /** * 组件的属性列表 */ properties: { title: { type: String, value: '人员信息' }, language: { type: String, value: 'ch' }, isDisabled: { type: Boolean, value: true, }, userInfo: { type: Object, }, // 常客、访客 userType: { value: null }, // 登录参数列表 1姓名2身份证3手机号4卡号 needLoginList: { type: Array, value: [], }, //是否输入手机号 0-否 1-需要 needPhone: { type: Boolean, value: false, }, //是否需要照片 0-否 1-需要 needPhoto: { type: Boolean, value: false, }, //是否需要实名 0-否 1-需要 needRealname: { type: Boolean, value: false, }, // pageType: { type: String, value: '' }, }, /** * 组件的初始数据 */ data: { //国际化语言包 international: international, myUserInfo: null, username: '', idNumber: '', phone: '', cardIdEx: '', warnCardId: { //卡号校验信息 status: false, errMsg: null }, warnName: { //姓名校验信息 status: false, errMsg: null }, warnIdcard: { //身份证校验信息 status: false, errMsg: null }, warnPhone: { //手机号校验信息 status: false, errMsg: null }, }, /** * 组件的方法列表 */ methods: { //输入姓名 getInputName(e) { let { warnName, username } = this.data; username = e.detail if (e.detail) { warnName.status = true } else { warnName.status = false warnName.errMsg = '您输入的姓名不可以为空!' }; this.setData({ warnName, username }) }, //输入身份证号 getInputIdcard(e) { let { warnIdcard, idNumber } = this.data idNumber = e.detail if (app.data.language === 'en') { warnIdcard.status = true; } else { let res = verify.isCardID(idNumber); if (res.state) { warnIdcard.status = true; wx.hideKeyboard() } else { warnIdcard.status = false warnIdcard.errMsg = res.data }; } this.setData({ warnIdcard, idNumber }); }, // 输入手机号 getInputPhone(e) { let { warnPhone, phone } = this.data phone = e.detail let res = verify.isCornet(phone); if (res.state) { warnPhone.status = true; } else { warnPhone.status = false warnPhone.errMsg = res.data }; if (phone.length >= 11) { wx.hideKeyboard() } this.setData({ warnPhone, phone }); }, //点击获取手机号 getPhoneNumber(e) { getPhone(e).then(phone => { if (phone) { this.setData({ 'warnPhone.status': true, phone: phone }) app.data.phone = phone } else { wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '网络异常请重新获取哦~', }) } }).catch((err) => { console.log(err) }) }, // 输入卡号 getCardNumber(e) { let { warnCardId, cardIdEx } = this.data; cardIdEx = e.detail if (e.detail) { warnCardId.status = true } else { warnCardId.status = false warnCardId.errMsg = '卡号不可以为空!' }; this.setData({ warnCardId, cardIdEx }); }, // 点击认证按钮 Certification() { let { warnPhone, warnIdcard, warnName, warnCardId } = this.data let allFill = this.canOperation(warnName.status, warnIdcard.status, warnPhone.status, warnCardId.status) // 判断信息是否填写完整 if (!allFill) { wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '请将个人信息填写完整!', }) return; } // 实名认证 if (this.data.needRealname) { this.submit() } // 无需实名认证&需要抓拍 if (!this.data.needRealname && this.data.needPhoto) { //抓拍人脸 flag-3 this.data.flag = 3 wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/faceCheck/faceCheck' }) } // 无需实名认证&无需抓拍 if (!this.data.needRealname && !this.data.needPhoto) { this.doConfirmFaceNotifyNew(1) } }, // 判断提交按钮是否禁用 canOperation(username, idNumber, phone, cardIdEx) { let { needLoginList } = this.data; let allFill = true for (let index = 0; index < needLoginList.length; index++) { if (!Array.from(arguments)[needLoginList[index] - 1]) { allFill = false; break; } } return allFill }, //跳转执行实名认证 submit: throttle(function () { const that = this; let { username, idNumber, phone, } = this.data let orgId = app.data.adminId; face.intoFace_wxrlxf(username, idNumber, phone, orgId = '00').then((res) => { that.data.flag = 1 }).catch(err => { }) }, 5000), //验证人脸 async doFaceCheck() { wx.showLoading({ title: '信息验证中...', }) let taskId = app.data.faceTaskId; // taskId = '00-2023041314125357889'; //本地 // taskId = '00-993306131355291200'; //线上 // taskId = '00-2024050112393311886' //zyh线上 if (!taskId) return; let res = await face.getFace_wxrlxf('/api/next/doQueryFaceSuccess', 'get', { taskId: taskId }); wx.hideLoading() if (res.data.status === true) { this.openIdAndCardIdSet(res.data, this.data.cardIdEx); } else { this.triggerEvent('certificationState', false) } }, // 无需实名认证&需抓拍人脸照片 注册信息 1-不需要照片 2-需要照片 doConfirmFaceNotifyNew(type) { let img = ''; if (type == 2) { img = app.data.catchFaceUrl || ''; app.data.catchFaceUrl = null; //抓拍失败 if (!img) { wx.showModal({ content: '认证失败,再试一次吧', showCancel: false, complete: (res) => { } }) return; } } let { idNumber, phone, username, cardIdEx } = this.data let data = { avatar: img, idNumber: idNumber, cardIdEx: cardIdEx, username: username, phone: phone, type: 3, code: app.data.wxCode } let that = this wx.showLoading({ title: '信息验证中...', }) doConfirmFaceNotifyNew(data).then(res => { wx.hideLoading() getWxLogin() // 接口请求失败 if (res.code !== 200) { wx.showToast({ title: res.mag, icon: 'none', }); this.triggerEvent('certificationState', false) return; } //接口请求成功 let userInfo = res.data userInfo.needLoginList = this.data.needLoginList; userInfo.needPhone = this.data.needPhone; userInfo.needPhoto = this.data.needPhoto; userInfo.needRealname = this.data.needRealname; wx.setStorageSync('language', app.data.language); //访客认证结果 if (that.data.userType == '访客') { wx.setStorageSync('visitorUserInfo', userInfo); app.data.visitorUserInfo = userInfo; } //常客认证结果 if (that.data.userType == '常客') { wx.setStorageSync('userInfo', userInfo); app.data.userInfo = userInfo; } wx.showToast({ title: `恭喜认证成功`, icon: 'none' }) this.triggerEvent('certificationState', true) }) }, // 实名认证时&卡号&微信 openId 绑定认证信息 userId openIdAndCardIdSet(userInfo, cardIdEx) { const that = this; let openId = ""; //openId绑定 let doOpenIdset = new Promise((reslove, reject) => { wx.login({ success: res => { openId = res.code let data = { code: openId, type: 3, userId: userInfo.userId } openIdSet(data).then(res => { getWxLogin() res.code == 200 ? reslove() : reject(); }) } }) }); // cardIdEx绑定 let doCardIdExSet = new Promise((reslove, reject) => { let data = { cardIdEx: that.data.cardIdEx, userId: userInfo.userId } cardIdExSet(data).then(res => { res.code == 200 ? reslove() : reject(); }) }) //判断是否需要绑定卡号(openId 一定绑定) let taskList = [doOpenIdset]; if (this.data.needLoginList.indexOf(4) > -1) { taskList = [doOpenIdset, doCardIdExSet]; } Promise.all(taskList).then(res => { userInfo.openId = openId; userInfo.cardIdEx = cardIdEx; //存下登录条件 userInfo.needLoginList = this.data.needLoginList; userInfo.needPhone = this.data.needPhone; userInfo.needPhoto = this.data.needPhoto; userInfo.needRealname = this.data.needRealname; if (this.data.userType == '访客') { wx.setStorageSync('visitorUserInfo', userInfo); app.data.visitorUserInfo = userInfo } else { wx.setStorageSync('userInfo', userInfo); app.data.userInfo = userInfo } this.triggerEvent('certificationState', true) }).catch(err => { wx.showToast({ title: err.msg, icon: 'none' }) this.triggerEvent('certificationState', false) }) }, //外宾时,执行 OCR 识别 goOCR() { let { needPhoto, needRealname, } = this.data this.data.flag = 2; wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/ocr/ocr?needPhoto=' + needPhoto + '&needRealname=' + needRealname }) }, // ocr 完成后,渲染数据 updateOcrInfo() { let ocrInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(app.data.ocrInfo)) app.data.ocrInfo = null let data = { username: ocrInfo.name, idNumber: ocrInfo.passportCode, avatar: ocrInfo.faceImage, countryCode: ocrInfo.countryCode, gender: ocrInfo.gender, passportUrl: ocrInfo.passportUrl, hztx: ocrInfo.hztx, birthday: ocrInfo.birthday, efficientTime: ocrInfo.efficientTime } this.setData({ myUserInfo: data, username: ocrInfo.name, 'warnName.status': true, idNumber: ocrInfo.passportCode, 'warnIdcard.status': true, }) }, // 外宾确认或修改用户信息 update() { let { warnPhone, warnIdcard, warnName, warnCardId } = this.data let allFill = this.canOperation(warnName.status, warnIdcard.status, warnPhone.status, warnCardId.status) //未填写完整 if (!allFill) { wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: 'Please complete your personal information!', }) return; } //填写完整 let data = { username: this.data.myUserInfo.username, idNumber: this.data.myUserInfo.idNumber, avatar: this.data.myUserInfo.avatar, phone: this.data.phone, cardIdEx: this.data.cardIdEx, countryCode: this.data.myUserInfo.countryCode, gender: this.data.myUserInfo.gender, passportUrl: this.data.myUserInfo.passportUrl, hztx: this.data.myUserInfo.hztx, birthday: this.data.myUserInfo.birthday, efficientTime: this.data.myUserInfo.efficientTime } wx.showLoading({ title: '信息提交中...', }) foreignAuthentication(data).then(res => { wx.hideLoading() if (res.code !== 200) { wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: res.msg, }); return; } let userInfo = Object.assign(res.data, data) this.openIdAndCardIdSet(userInfo, this.data.cardIdEx) }) }, //预览照片 previewImg(e) { let currentUrl = e.currentTarget.dataset.src; if (!currentUrl) { return; } wx.previewImage({ current: currentUrl, urls: [currentUrl] }) } }, observers: { 'userInfo': function (userInfo) { let myUserInfo = userInfo || null; if (!userInfo) { return; } this.setData({ username: myUserInfo.username || "", idNumber: myUserInfo.idNumber || "", phone: myUserInfo.phone || "", cardIdEx: myUserInfo.cardIdEx || "", myUserInfo: myUserInfo }) }, }, lifetimes: { attached: function () { } }, pageLifetimes: { show() { switch (this.data.flag) { //实名认证完成后操作 case 1: this.doFaceCheck() break; //OCR识别完成后操作 case 2: this.updateOcrInfo() break; //抓拍照片完成后操作 case 3: this.doConfirmFaceNotifyNew(2) break; default: break; } this.data.flag = null; } } })